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Research Staff

Bai Gang

  Senior Fellow, Retired
Main Research Papers and Books:
The Emperor of China
History of Chinese Political System
General History of Chinese Political System
The Origin and Development of the Debate on the Sustained Issues of Chinese Feudal Society
Research on Chinese Peasant Problem
Election and Governance
Annual Report on Analysis of Chinese Public Policy
Education and Research Experiences::
BA; graduated in Department of History, Nanjing University in 1964;
Prof. Bai had been a researcher in the Institute of History, CASS;
Working in the IPS, CASS by 1988
Main Research Fields:
History of Chinese political system, Science of administration, Chinese political system
Main Interests Recently in Research:
History of Chinese political system, History of Chinese political thoughts, Contemporary Chinese politics
Bai Gang, The Emperor of China, Tianjin People’s Press, 1993.
Bai Gang, Lin Guanghua, On Value Basis of Constitutionalism, , 2003.
Bai Gang, Research on the History of Chinese Political System of 20 Century, , 5th, March, 2005.
Bai Gang, Election and Chinese Politics, China Social Sciences Press, March, 2000.
Bai Gang, Shi Weimin, Analysis of Chinese Public Policy, China Social Sciences Press, January, 2006.
Bai Gang, Wang Zhenyue, The Frontier of Chinese Villagers’ Self-Administration, China Social Sciences Press, October, 2000.
Bai Gang, Zhao Shouxing, Election and Governance: Research on Chinese Villagers’ Self-Administration, China Social Sciences Press, October, 2001.
Bai Gang, The Origin and Development of the Debate on the Sustained Issues of Chinese Feudal Society, China Social Sciences Press, 1984.
Bai Gang, Lin Guanghua, General Theory of Constitutionalism, Social Sciences Academic Press, May, 2005.
Bai Gang, History of Chinese Political System, Tianjin People’s Press, January, 2002.
Bai Gang, Research on Chinese Peasant Problem, People’s Publishing House, December, 1993.
Bai Gang, Developmental Trend of History, Liaoning Education Press, November, 1989.
Bai Gang, Analysis of Chinese Public Policy towards 21 Century(Chinese Public Policy 2001), China Social Sciences Press, January, 2001.
Bai Gang, Wang Yuxin, Yang Shengnan, Meng Xiangcai, Huang Huixian, Yu Lunian, Zhu Ruixi, Li Xihou, Bai Bin, Chen Gaohua, Shi Weimin, Du Wanyan, Fang Zhiyuan, Guo Songyi, Li Xinda, Yang Zhen, General History of Chinese Political System, People’s Publishing House, December,1996.
Bai Gang, On Legal Construction of Villagers’ Self-Administration, , March, 1998.
Bai Gang, Sense of Urgency of Ancient China, , 15th, August, 1994.
Bai Gang, Self-Administration of Villagers: Political Participation of Chinese Peasants(in English), Kobe University, (3.2), December, 1995.
Bai Gang, On Relationship between Central and Local Governments in Chinese History, , 19th, November, 1996.
Bai Gang, The Irreplaceable Role of Politics, , 22nd, March, 1997.
Bai Gang, Steadily Advancing Political System Reform, , 10th, September, 1997.
Bai Gang, Lin Guanghua, On Principles of Political Legitimacy, , 2002(4).
Bai Gang, Grassroots Political Democracy’s Construction is to be Strengthened, , 2004(1).
Bai Gang, Reform of Chinese Grassroots Governance, , 2003(6).
Bai Gang, Reform of Govern Structure and Method in Rural Area- Investigation on ‘Affairs of the Villages’ of Three Counties(Li Shu, He Qu and Lu Nan) (1,2,3), , 2000(7,8,9).
Bai Gang, A Modest Proposal of Modern Western Democracy, , 2004(1).
Bai Gang, Election and Psephology, , 17th, March, 2000.
Bai Gang, Political Participation of Peasants and Political Development of China, , 1996(8).
Bai Gang, On Bureaucracy and Bureaucratism, , 1988(6).
Bai Gang, Discussion on the Sustained Issues of Chinese Feudal Society, , 20th, October, 1982.
Bai Gang, Political System Reform in Rural Area of China,
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